Archives for the tag Privacy
Rights in the age of big data
Data protection legislation should be about protecting people, not innovation.
Partly free
Dialling the wrong number
Return of the brooding spirit of the law
Privacy, dignity, sexual autonomy
The right to privacy was a constitutionally accepted and applied right recognised by an interpretative device of the Supreme Court since 1975. Over the decades, more than 30 decisions of the apex court applied privacy as a bundle of rights that permitted liberty of thought and action.
Cautious optimism: Does the Supreme Court’s Aadhaar-PAN decision hold hope for a future victory?,
The court says the unique identity project must pass a stringent test under the right to privacy and human dignity. Will it?
The bigger picture on the Aadhaar-PAN Judgment
The Basis Of Privacy
Aadhaar legislation points to the need for a comprehensive privacy law.